【鱼真】是很纯正的日式居酒情怀,如深夜食堂般深刻、温暖、感动。在这里,可以吃到日本很流行的新鲜鱼干 ——“一夜干”,是海风自然风干的鱼货,稍稍腌制和烤煮,绝对是下酒的美味。各种各样的串烧,蘸满青葱酱的鸡肉串、培根蕃茄烤串等,还有关东煮、乌冬面、日式火锅,满满都是令人温暖的食物。只要师傅有时间,还能让他烹饪那些菜单上没有的料理。
Yu Zhen izakaya is pure Japanese izakaya feelings. It is as profound, warm and moving as midnight diner. You can eat popular Japanese fresh dried fish- “dried in one night”. It is fish dried naturally by sea wind. It is really delicacy to go with wine when pickled and grilled slightly. All kinds of skewers, like chicken skewer with scallion sauce, grilled bacon bunch with tomato, also kanto ni, udon noodle, shabu-shabu are all warming food. If the chef has time, you also ask him to cook cuisines that are not available on the menu.