Real Estate
项目地点:厦门市仙岳路 Location: Xianyue Road, Xiamen City
项目内容:别墅,会所 Project Content: villa and club
总用地面积:103767平米 Total land area: 103767 ㎡
别墅建筑面积:77288平米 Construction area of villas: 77288㎡
会所建筑面积:12997平米 Construction area of club: 12997㎡
设计团队: Design Team
别墅建筑设计:新加坡巴马丹拿 Construction design for villas: Singapore Plamer & Turner Group
景观设计:新加坡博绿地安 Landscape design: Singapore Peridian Asia Pte Ltd.
总销售金额:10亿 Total sales amount: 1 billions
项目地处厦门市中心,北依仙岳山,生活、娱乐、购物、休闲配套一应俱全,将城市的便利性与自然景观赋予的舒适性相结合;新加坡博绿地安规划 "原味巴厘岛风情"景观,新加坡巴马丹拿打造"新亚洲"风格建筑,实现市中心的美墅居住梦想。
Located at the city center of Xiamen, built by Xianyue Mountain, the project possesses various facilities for life, entertainment, shopping, and leisure. It combines the convenience of city and comfort given by natural landscape. The plan of Landscape design: Singapore Peridian Asia Pte Ltd., the landscape with original Bali scenery and “New Asia” style architecture built by Singapore Plamer & Turner Group realize the dream of living in the beautiful villa of city center.