马达思班的主创人马清运,毕业于清华大学建筑系,曾先后担任宾夕法尼亚大学、哈佛大学、哥伦比亚大学、苏黎世工学院、欧美顶级院校的客座教授。1996年,在纽约创立马达建筑设计事务所,1999年在中国创立马达思班建筑设计事务所,2006年应邀出任美国南加州大学建筑学院院长,成为第一位在国外院校任职的华人院长。2010年被美国《商业周刊》与库哈斯扎哈·哈迪德共同评为全球最具影响力的设计师。 马达思班有:798艺术熔炉、上海世博会中国馆、浙江大学宁波校区图书馆(此方案入选意大利威尼斯双年展)、上海世博会、通江银耳博物馆、SABECO世贸中心大厦、临潼温泉山酒店等。 Ma Qingyun, co-creator of Mada S. P. A. M was graduated from the architectural department of Tsinghua University. He successively served as the visiting professor of University of Pennsylvania, Harvard University, Columbia University, ETH Zurich and top Europe and U.S. colleges. In 1996, he created Mada S. P. A. M. in New York, and created one in China in 1999. He was invited as the dean of College of Architecture of University of Southern California, became the first Chinese dean served in foreign college. He was awarded as the most influential designer by U.S. Business Week and and Zaha Hadid in 2010 The successful works of Mada S. P. A. M. include: 798 Art Furnaces, China Pavillion for the Shanghai World Expo, Library of Ningbo Campus of Zhejing University (the project was selected into Venice Biennale, Italy), Shanghai World Expo, Tongjiang Tremella Museum, SABECO World Trade Center, Lintong Spa Hotel etc.