项目的绿色建筑及LEED顾问团队,来自深圳建科院。它是深圳市属科研机构,伴随着深圳特区发展而成长,其前身深圳市建筑科学中心,成立于1982年,业务涉及科研、工程咨询、建筑设计、工程检测、信息工程监理、特种施工以及建筑文化的传播等多个方面,为社会的发展提供了非常全面的专业服务。 Greenarchi & LEED Consultant of our projects is from Shenzhen Academy of Building Research. Shenzhen Academy of Building Research, a Shenzhen municipal scientific research institution, grows up with the development of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. It grew out of Shenzhen Building Science Center, founded in 1982. Its business involves in scientific research, engineering consulting, architectural design, engineering detection, information engineering supervision, special construction and transmission of architectural culture etc. It offers overall and professional service for the social development.